Friday, December 7, 2012

Generating Power.

Power is what we have been striving for in technic, and We are now in the position to create, store, and use energy and power that we can now create. The placement of your generator and bat-box is crucial as it works in a very specific way and will make sense later.
The generator should be placed with the back of the generator touching a side of the bat-box that IS NOT the side with a orange circle as this is the spot that you will be placing the wires against to let power flow through them.
The generator will function in the same way that the furnace works, and will create power that will store inside of its self in a very limited amount. The bat-box behind the generator will take all power from the generator until it is full, then the generator will hold as much as it can before all new generated power will be wasted.
You might want to generate as much power as you can hold in the bat-box before creating more items that will use the energy as it will be used faster than you think it will with a single generator and multiple devices.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Generators and Battery Boxes.

Power is a very key piece to working machinery as I have mentioned before in Industrial Craft and you are at the stage where you can begin to create it. First you will need your tin bars, redstone dust, and copper cables.
Create three RE-Batteries for crafting a battery box, which will store all of your excess power, and one more RE-Battery for use in crafting a generator.
And of course to store the power you will need a place a block to generate power, and the first block that you can create is the generator.
Of course this recipe takes up your iron furnace, but it's for a good cause because now you can make an electrical furnace, but I will cover this later, so create a spare furnace for now.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Returning to the Mines

After you have stored your items away into your chest you might be wondering what you need to continue, and the answer is a small list: tin, redstone, gold, and more iron. I unfortunantly did not get a good picture of gold or redstone, as these photos were pitch black after I looked at the photos. Gold looks similer to coal except that the color of the ore inside of the stone is a glowing yellow, and redstone has a red and a light red glow to it.

The top photo is tin which is used in many crafting recipies and is vital to working in Industrial Craft. The bottom picture is Tungstonion (or something close to that) and is used in Equivilent Exchange so you may want to go ahead and mine this.
Return back to the surface and go ahead and begin smelting your tin ore into some tin bars.

Copper, Rubber, and Cables

In order to begin working with blocks and objects that require power you will need to create many things.
Copper is made by placing the ore in the top slot of the furnace with some burnable object on the bottom slot.
Rubber is made in the same way, and now you will need some copper cables. These are used in crafting recipes and can also be placed in the world.
But at this point you may have a cluttered inventory and you may be running out of space to place things in your inventory. You can fix this problem with a chest.
This picture was taken before i began crafting so my inventory is a little filled, but its no worry, just click and drag them into the chest up top and they will be stored safely into the chest.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


If you tried to create iron tools with the blocks of iron that you have mined, you noticed that you can't create iron tools. The reason why is that you need to create iron bars, which is done by smelting.
You need to place the iron ore in the top slot of the furnace interface and something that burns in the bottom slot of the furnace. Wood, planks, wooden tools, saplings, coal, charcoal, lava and many other items can be burnt in the bottom of the furnace. Try not to smelt all of your ore if you can if you have more than 5 ores, just smelt 5.
Now that you have 5 iron bars you should craft an iron furnace, this will increase the length of an item that burns in the furnace and increase the speed of which something smelts so this will save you time and resources. This is the basics of the smelting, but there will be other furnaces later into the game and those will be covered also.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mining and The Discovery of Metals.

Before we begin, we will talk about stone tools as these are required to mine iron, these are simple to make, following the pattern of the wooden tools you place cobble stone in the areas where you placed the wooden planks to create stone tools. You are now more efficient at breaking blocks and your tools will now last longer. But now onto the real business of this post, iron will increase these two factors even more than stone will. To begin mining just simply begin breaking blocks downward, but DO NOT mine straight down.

This is a basic stair pattern that you can use to mine, I found some coal and I mined it, and remember that the coal is important for the middle game and farther into the game also.

This is a basic set of stairs that will get you deeper into the Earth. Use these with caution though as you may dig foreword into water or lave if you are deep into the ground.
This is what we came down here looking for, in the far corners there is iron and in the floor is copper. Now mine them all and take them back to your shelter.

The Beginings of Rubber

To create most machines you will use rubber.
To make rubber you will need Rubber trees and tree taps.
A tree tap works like a tool, but you will right click on the resin source to get the resin out of the tree.
A rubber tree will have a different shape of levels on the top, a straight column, and will have resin on the sides of the wood on the trees. So take your tree tap out into your active inventory and right click on the resin source. I will get back into the resin within a few posts, but first we will move onto a new level of tools in Minecraft... Iron.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Creating Fire and Lighting Your Home.

As you saw in my last blog the shelter was dark and because of this, when the night sets in there might possibly be the chance of monsters spawning in your shelter, and the hole in the wall will allow monster from the outside to enter into the shelter. If you picked up your crafting bench, place it back down in your home or create a new one with the wood you gathered. Now you will want to create a wooden door to protect yourself from the outside creatures.

While you are at the crating bench, you should think about creating a furnace. A furnace will be used to smelt raw ores into bars and to create other items, but you will want a stone furnace.
Now walk outside of your shelter and place the door down in the entry way so that it lines up and blocks the entryway. Right clicking on the door will open it and close the door. Walk inside and place the furnace in your home for later.
And this is what your shelter should look like now, but it is still dark, so lets fix that. Creating torches will fix this problem.
Torches will be created in bulk, but will take some coal to create so be careful with the amount you make as you may run into a shortage later when you really need them to create power for machinery, which we will get into later.
And now your shelter is ready to live in and will be protected from the outside and from spawning creatures in the home. Congratulations, you now know the basics in survival Minecraft.

Creating a Shelter.

Shelter should be a major priority at this stage in your game. Shelters that can be anywhere from a humble house to a underground mining operation or maybe even a lavish castle. But before this your number one priority is coal or charcoal. While creating a shelter in Technic even if you are creating a house of stone, you will need to gather wood, and lots of it; so use your axe on the bottoms of trees and now the entire tree will fall in one swift breaking. Now you should adventure for coal, you can find coal at any level in the world and sometimes exposed in the surface.
The stone with the black minerals in them. you can collect the coal in the same way as you cut down trees or dirt. You might also want to consider creating a shelter in the area that you have found coal the first time.

Now that you have a basic shelter i will show you the basics of making your shelter into a home.

Creating Tools.

Creating tools is a simple feat but extremely rewarding. To begin creating your tools place your crafting bench in your active toolbar (the bottom most bar in the inventory screen) and select it. Then find a place in the world on the ground and right click and the crafting bench should be placed down in the world.
If it didn't place down on the world you might have been in the block or there is a creature in the block. Now to create tools you should right click on the crafting bench and a screen should come up like your inventory but the crafting space should now be a 3x3.

The first thing you will need is some sticks and this is how you create sticks.
After you have some sticks in your inventory you will use your sticks and wooden planks to create your most basic tools. Wooden pickaxes, shovels, hoes, axes, and swords. Right now all you will really need is a pickaxe and an axe.

And now you will be able to survive longer with less effort in Minecraft.

In The Beginning.

To begin your life in your new Minecraft world you will require shelter and tools, and you will have to start with the lowest level tools in the game... Wood.
Now that you have some wood you need to turn this raw wood into wooden planks.

You are almost able to create tools now, all you have to do is create a crafting bench.
And now you begin making tools.

Monday, October 8, 2012



        Here we are in a brand new world of Minecraft Technic Pack. This will start from the basics of Minecraft and go into the complications of Build Craft and Industrial Craft. Minecraft is a open world full of possibilities, technology, power, and wonder. But the world can be equally as dangerous from lightning, the wide open seas, lava, and monsters in dark caves. There are so many possible ways to play Minecraft that no one could ever go over all of the different ways no matter how long they had. I will go over a way of survival in the Minecraft world and how to bring yourself from the age of wooden tools to nuclear power.