Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mining and The Discovery of Metals.

Before we begin, we will talk about stone tools as these are required to mine iron, these are simple to make, following the pattern of the wooden tools you place cobble stone in the areas where you placed the wooden planks to create stone tools. You are now more efficient at breaking blocks and your tools will now last longer. But now onto the real business of this post, iron will increase these two factors even more than stone will. To begin mining just simply begin breaking blocks downward, but DO NOT mine straight down.

This is a basic stair pattern that you can use to mine, I found some coal and I mined it, and remember that the coal is important for the middle game and farther into the game also.

This is a basic set of stairs that will get you deeper into the Earth. Use these with caution though as you may dig foreword into water or lave if you are deep into the ground.
This is what we came down here looking for, in the far corners there is iron and in the floor is copper. Now mine them all and take them back to your shelter.

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