Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Geo-Thermal Energy

Generators can only produce so much power and their are better alternatives to coal and other sources of the world that you don't use that often. Lava can be placed into cells and then into an specialized generator that will produce vast amounts of energy for your machines. Empty Cells need tin to create them and the Generator needs glass, refined iron, a generator, and some empty cells as well. Connect this to the generator wires to get this generator active. This generator will actually not consume any lava when there is no machines to accept the energy.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

ThaumCraft Beginings

ThaumCraft, also known as ArcanaCraft, allows for the player to work miracles and magic with knowledge, patience, and a little elbow grease. Taint and Vis will become elements to master within your realm. Crucibles are the best place to begin but unless you have good resources and knowledge you should start with the most basic crucible. It will melt down blocks and items into vis and taint that you can use, but be sure to not let it over flow or fill with to much taint. A tainted area can be dangerous and spread quickly.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Alchemical Basics

Machine work and industry is a precise work, but for something more flexible you might want to begin working in the way of Equivalent Exchange.
I have already begun talking about EE with the covalance dusts and the divining rods so this would be a good point to introduce it to begin working up the basics of most of the mods.
To continue in EE you will want to build an Alchemical Chest and then craft that into a Energy Condenser. The covalance dust recipes can be found on my last post.

Friday, March 15, 2013

More Furnace Power and Enhanced Ore Serching

With the new machines to do work with increased efficiency, you will be rolling in basic ingredients that can be created into better and more needed items. The macerator will grind ores into more dust than you can handle in one furnace. Creating more furnaces can be a work around to this but creating a furnace that can smelt more ores per piece of fuel is even better as it will drain you less on your resources and in the long run. First you need to create an iron furnace and an electronic circuit. The crafting recipe can be found here. The electric furnace will require a cable connected to it and will work when the ores are placed into it.
Getting help at searching for ores is always welcome so why not craft an item to help with that process? Crafting a divining rod is fairly simple and needs some common resources but first you need some covalance dust. You need 8 cobblestone, a piece of charcoal, a single redstone, and one iron ingot. The covalance dust recipes can be found here. After you craft some dust you can create the second tier divining rod by following these recipes. The divining rod will scan a certain length over a 3x3 area and bring back your results of highest level ores.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


After your increased efficiency with ores you might be happy to get an extractor to double your efficiency with rubber. The extractor will require 4 tree taps, a machine block, and an electronic circuit. the full recipe can be found here. Placing a sticky resin or a block of rubber tree inside will create rubber. Extractors can also create coolant cells, hydration cells, coal fuel cells, and bio fuel cells.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Basic Machine Work

 After you have the generator set up you will need machines to use the power or it will be useless. A macerator would be a nice start. Macerators can be filled with ore raw ore blocks and crush them into two ore dusts which can be smelted into an ore ingot a piece. The double efficiency does not come cheep though as it will require; 3 flint, 2 cobblestone, 9 refined iron, 2 redstone dust, and 6 insulated copper cables. the two recipes you need are here and here.
Back from a long holiday hiatus with bad news. Technic Launcher has been giving me a lot of troubles and my save file somehow became corrupted. I will be getting back to using pictures but none today.